The Children of the Earth (Deti Zeme) is a non-governmental environmental organization, that started up in September 1989, as an unofficial initiative of several ecological activists. Today there are 8 branches of Children of the Earth all over the Czech Republic, with the headquarters in Plzen (Pilsen) in the western part of the country.
The aim of Children of the Earth is to protect the environment and to strengthen ties between man and the environment.
We focus on working in regions on local problems; nevertheless, two activities of ours surpass regional and even national borders - protecting birds of prey, and supporting environmentally-sustainable means of transport.
We put emphasis not only on tackling negative consequences of man's activities, but also on ways of dealing with causes of environmentally-unsustainable behaviour.
Children of the Earth's activities concentrate into 3 programmes:
The "Traffic" Programme:
- making alternatives to automobile transportation more attractive
- improving conditions for cyclists and pedestrians inside and outside urban units
- developing integrated transport systems
- supporting public transport
- helping to set up bicycle paths and lanes
- pricing environmentally harmful transportation according to its impact on the environment, thus giving a chance to environmentally-sustainable transportation systems
The "Nature" Programme:
- increasing populations of endangered animals and plants
- improving stability of ecosystems
- eliminating activities with devastating impacts on natural ecosystems
The "Public Matter" Programme:
- increasing public interest in environment protection
- improving and increasing education on the environment and its protection
- encouraging public participation in decision-making processes related to the protection of the environment
Children of the Earth (Deti Zeme)
Cejl 866/50a
602 00 Brno
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 603 574 289
E-mail: deti.zeme@ecn.cz
URL: www.detizeme.cz
Account Number: 270 149 8322
Bank Code: 2010
Account Holder: Deti Zeme, Cejl 866/50a, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic
Bank Address: Fio banka, a. s., V Celnici 1028/10, 117 21 Praha 1, Czech Republic
IBAN: CZ31 2010 0000 0027 0149 8322